miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

1 generation of gods

Gaia, godess of Earth conceived, with the help of his son, Uranus, personification of sky, the 12 titans, that were Cronus, father of the Olympians,Oceanus, titan of fresh water, Iapethus, father of the 2nd generation of titans, Hyperion, titan of the sun, Coeus, titan of intellect, Crius, titan of constellations, Rhea, titaness of plentiness, Tethys, titaness of the sea, Theia titaness of sorcery and light, Phoebe, titaness of the moon, Themis, titaness of order and justice and Mnemosyne, titaness of memory. They were all put back into Gaia's wumb, but Cronus escaped and dethroned Uranus, making hime the god of gods.

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