lunes, 21 de junio de 2010

Greek gods

Afrodite: Goddess of love and sexual desire.

Apolo: God of Profecy and Archery

Ares: God of war.

Arthemise: Goddess of hunt.

Asclepius: God of medicine.

Athena: Goddess of art and war techniques.

Cronos The youngest titan and king of titans.

Démeter Goddes of agriculture.

Dionisio God of wine and vegetation.

Eros God of love.

Gaya Madre Tierra.

Hefesto Dios del fuego; herrero de los dioses.

Hera: Goddes of marriage

Hermes: Messenger of gods and protector of thiefs

Hestia: Protector of home

Hipnos: God of sleepiness.

Hades: God of the underworld.

Poseidón: God of seas and earthquakes.

Rea: Goddess of fertility

Urano: Personification of sky.

Zeus: God of thunder and god of gods.

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