jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


Gaia: I think that Gaia is very helpful and kind because she always helped al her children when they needed her.

Rhea: I think that Rhea it's an important character because thanks to her, Zeus could survive.

Cronus: I think is very important because he saved his brothers and sister and dethroned Uranus.

Zeus: I think that is bad the fact that he is a womanizer but he is the best king of gods.

Aphrodite: I think that she is kind, but at the time mean because she complicates the others love-life.

Thor: I think that he is the best god in norse mythology and he has the same power as Zeus and more...

Poseidon: I think he is the most powerfull god and has incredible powers and I like to be him at the play. :)

Uranus: Make this character was fun but in one part of the play I didn't like what I had to do.

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